In my opinion this is a very good video on CryptoCurrency Wallets
Links to the Wallets Jsnip4 is talking about:
Kraken Wallet
Gemini Wallet
Poloniex Wallet
Bittrex Wallet
I'm over on Facebook and reading through the posts. One jumps out of me reading a sign stating they do not accept cash. I'm laughing at myself because I see this coming. I'm thinking to myself I have to start taking this more serious.
I put out a comment if anyone is learning CryptoCurrencies? Someone response sharing how they love cryptos! I'm like finally maybe someone will give me some leads. I was advised to join some facebook groups. I searched cryptocurrency on facebook and found all these groups. I joined them all. I figured I would weed out which ones I line and stick with them. Haven't done anymore with cryptocurrencies. I have been so stressed out setting up the accounts I have I am overwhelmed. It has been on my mind but I still haven't pulled the trigger. I'm like is today the day I learn more. What am I so afraid of? I really would love if I had a partner on this one to hold my hand. Thinking yesterday I told myself it is just me and Mystery Creator on this one. If I am to manifest my new life for my daughter and me this one is totally on me. As much as I would love for someone to hold my hand or partner up with me this is my Manifestation. I built my Longaberger Basket business, I built a title company and I built a real estate business. Not that I have anything to show for it today, I built them. Just as I built them today is my day! What am I going to manifest? Woke up this morning and this was my first email: My email linked to this Video: BITCOIN: BIGGEST THING SINCE THE INTERNET | Jeff Berwick by SilverDoctors Here is the Link: After I got done listening to this video I acted on information almost at the very end of the video. Here is that information in case you didn't listen to the video. I added my name and email address. Then I got the link in my email - Enjoy!
Hardware Wallet
I signed up today with "MY Ether Wallet". Why? I have no idea. I'm still trying to sort through all this.
Thinking this through a "Hardware Wallet" in my opinion is my bank account I control. My assests are with me 24/7 and NOT to share with anyone. A Hardware Wallet or Ledge Wallet is suppose to hold all my information securely where I need not have to memorize all this information including all these long numbers making my head spin. It's the Internet for heavens sake! I keep telling myself. I know NOT to leave anything important on my computer. Why should this be any different. If anything my thinking is more security measures. Reading through my blogs I signed up with Coinbase. Glad I did. While trying to figure out how to sign up with My Ether Wallet I needed a number from my Coinbase account. It is a number generated and needed to sign up with My Ether Wallet. I have no clue what the number was or how to find it. Stumbling through my Coinbase account I figure it out and still have a few hairs on my head left to spare. I am now signed up with MY Ether Wallet and Ledge Wallet. I have a hard copy sheet with a QR code and the very long number needed to sign into my account. Plan to laminate it so it doesn't get messed up. I have no intention of remembering this number. Remember I'm riding by the seat of my pants here. They have these devices called Ledge Wallets. In my opinion it is a very tiny device to plug into your electronic devices to access these accounts needed to access your accounts and get to your cryptocurrencies, "Your digital virtual fiat money". I think I'm liking this concept better as no paper and no having to remember numbers. Take a look at these videos and let me know your thoughts of the Ledge Wallet. What are Cryptocurrency Wallets?![]() Reading through Wikipedia regarding Coinbase seems it is called a Cryptocurrency Wallet. According to my Internet search: (I liked Crypto Currency Facts) "What is a Cryptocurrency Wallet"? Sit back and let's go through this slowly.
Thinking this through its learning new words from the hands on world I use now.
Someone help me out here to verify I'm on track.
Where to begin with CryptoCurrency?I went to Google and typed in Coinbase. Wikipedia breaks down Coinbase from the beginning to here I am blogging about it. Why? I didn't know where to start. Talking with my Internet buddy Hokalugie I inquired to him for advise. He scared the bageebees out of me, "It's iLLEGAL!", lol. My thinking is, "I really want to do this" but where to start? How can it be illegal when so many are in my minds eye invested? I went to Google typing in cryptocurrency, cryptocurrencies, virtual money, virtual currency and what ever else at the time came out of my thinking fingers. I was finding information but was it iLLEGAL? Forgot the key words: illegal and SCAM! I sent him a few thousand (just kidding) what seemed to be a few hundred links in my mind anyways where the Internet was telling me it's not illegal and seems pretty legit. I blasted him the links. Now, I was in the waiting spot chomping at the bits waiting for him to get back with me. ![]() I got the go! Now I'm thinking, where to start? My buddy said, "open up a Coinbase account". I'm thinking why Coinbase? I thought I'll figure this out later I'm really wanting to do this. That is after asking him what seemed to be a million questions. Don't you just love friends who are patient? Sure does make the journey a lot easier that is for sure. I dove right in. I went to the website thinking to myself I wonder how easy this is going to be. I'm scared half out of my mind but I am going to do this. CONCUR! At first I'm like this is easy, cool. But then I'm like wholly cow! I'm scared. I want to shut down. I walked away and took a breather. Most of the world has a cell phone but me :( I'm thinking to myself how am I going to get this account verified and get it set up so I can get funds into my coinbase account? There is a cell phone on file using a trusted source. If you can't trust your Mom who are you going to trust? Thanks Mom! She is high tech where I'm still on the fence. Now I'm really in a pickle thinking to myself, "Is it time to get one of those tracking, cancer causing profilers yet?" FINALLY, I got my account set up. Coinbase gave me options to transfer funds from my Paypal account, credit/debit card or link up my bank account. The bank account will take a couple of days to verify using the deposit process. Paypal was really easy as Coinbase let me verify using the deposit verification process. The debit/credit card no so easy they needed identification. Sending it across the air to Coinbase it didn't like my identification for whatever reason. Filling out all the other information on their site and tooling around on the site was a joyful ease but here I am in the waiting spot, again. Hokalugie where are you! MY FIRST ACRYPTOCURRENCY BLOG POSTI'm thinking, what do I want my first blog or vlog to be about? I feel it should be a blog... This space I am creating or we are really creating I want to be informative, motivational, inspirational and maybe even teach what is CryptoCurrency and MORE. I have seen a few resources, a wealth of books and a few videos. The videos I have watched teach what is CryptoCurrencies and how to get started. But, who is a trusted source if any is my thinking? Let's embark on this together I'm thinking. I'm so excited yet on the other hand I'm thinking do I want to do this? I hear it is risky. Do I chatter my teeth and fall back in a corner? Most of my life has been about risk. "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways!" Do you know who said this quote? It sounds good so I am going to go with it. Life's an adventure so let's go explore! As my motivation to look back on this blog post in the future let this be my inspiration: Share your comments and let's jump into this together. I grew up in a home where if you had nothing nice to say it was better left unsaid. Positive in, Positive out.
To our successes and let the adventure begin! |